Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/929

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1869.] York Church, England. 753 YORK CHURCH, ENGLAND. THE plan and section here given should have accompanied the per- spective illustration presented in a pre- ceding number, but the Architect, Mr. William Peachey of Darlington, had not furnished it until lately, owing to the great pressure of his professional business. The arrangement speaks for itself, and has man}' points which will be new to some of our readers, and in- teresting to all. Reference to Plan on next page. A, Nave divided by two aisles in which are the clerestory columns of polished iron, those of the chancel arch being double, or in pairs on one base. B, Class-room with School-room over C, Minister's room. D, Baptistry. B, Yard. The Section is through A — B on plan and shows the choir, the side gal- leries, the clerestory and the roof. The space under the floor of the church is ventilated, as shown on sec- tion, by flues having gratings on the outside. SECTION OF A CHURCH AT YORK, ENGLAND.