Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/944

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768 The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal. [June, incur the charge of immodesty, by under- taking to endorse statements of which the} - are only the publishers ; your Com- mittee have passed a resolution that all statements contained in any publication issued by it, rest on the authority of the author only, and have instructed their Secretarj' to have said resolution printed on all future publications issued by your Committee. With reference to contributions to your Committee for distribution, your Committee would remind authors that it is desirable they should furnish their Secretary with data, by which he may be enabled to avoid duplication, and to distribute the documents in the quarters where the specialties of which they treat will be best appreciated and best sub- serve the common cause. Some incon- venience and delay have already been occasioned by the omission of this very necessary information ; and as regards all the issues of your Committee, it is hoped that the members of the Institute generally will do all in their power to liohten its labors of distribution. To this end they may contribute by fur- nishing your Committee from time to time with such reliable lists as they can make up of their clients, and of archi- tects, amateurs, societies — artistic, scien- tific and literary — and public libraries, as well as by informing your Committee of changes of location ; which, as we all know, are frequent in our community; our Secretary's list will thus be extended and corrected, and duplication and waste avoided. The pamphlets and papers distributed by your Committee are enclosed in wrappers with the printed inscription " From the Committee on Library and Publications American Institute of Ar- chitects." In its last annual report your Com- mittee informed you as to its action in the matter entrusted to it by the Insti- tute, of collecting for and forwarding to the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects, in compliance with the official re- quest of the latter body, a collection of photographs and other illustrative works of American architects. An ap- propriation was subsequently made by the Trustees for the purchase of such photographs as it was thought desirable to procure. The appropriation was en- trusted to a Sub-Committee, and the .illustrations collected by it were for- warded to London on the 3d of July last ; they reached their destination safely, and were gratefully acknowledged by Mr. Thomas L. Donaldson, Honorary Secretary of Foreign Correspondence of the British Institute, under date of July 22d. As some of the members of our Institute furnished photographs of their designs at their own cost, it was found unnecessary to make use of the entire appropriation, and more than two-thirds of it was returned to the Treasurj' of the Institute. Since the last annual convention, your Committee have received through Mr. Ware, the three volumes of the "Architecture Privee, au XIX rae Siecle, sous Napoleon III," presented to the Institute by Moris. Cesar Daly, the author. This work they had appropriately bound, as also nine volumes of the publications of the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects, presented two years ago by that organization, and five volumes of the Crayon. Your Committee has also received, through the President of the Institute, a stitched sheet embracing a report of the Council to the annual meeting of the R. I. B. A., held May 6th, 1867; and from Mr. J. D. Labots, late of Amster- dam, Holland, they have received three plates of architectural designs by him- self, and, through him, six plates of de- signs from and by Mr. J. B. Leliman of the same place.

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Richard M. Hunt, C/i'/i, Henry Yan Brunt, P. B. Wight, E»ILEN T. LlTTELL, Alfred J. Bloor, Sec 1 ]/. New York, 7th December, 1S6S.