Page:Are Women People?.djvu/73

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(By an admirer of the late H.C. Bunner.)

"I know what you're going to say," she said,
And she stood up, causing him some alarm;
"You're going to tell me I'll lose my charm,
And what is a woman when charm has fled?
And you're going to say that you greatly fear
I don't understand a woman's sphere;
Now aren't you honestly?" "Yes," he said.

"I know what you're going to say," she said,
"You're going to ask what I hope to gain
By stepping down to the dusty plain,
By seeking a stone when I might have bread;
You're going to say: 'Can a vote replace
The tender force of a woman's grace?'
Now, aren't you honestly?" "Yes," he said.

[ 69 ]