Page:Aristophanes (Collins).djvu/40

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to office is shocked to find that Demus is left to sit unprotected on the cold rock (on which the Pnyx was built), and produces a little padded cushion of his own manufacture—a delicate attention with which the old gentleman is charmed. "What a noble idea!" he cries: "Do tell me your name and family—you must surely come of the patriot stock of Harmodius, the great deliverer of Athens!" Then his zealous friend notices the condition of his feet, which are actually peeping through his sandals, and indignantly denounces the selfishness of his present steward:—

"Tell me whether
You, that pretend yourself his friend, with all your wealth in leather,
Ever supplied a single hide to mend his reverend, battered Old buskins?
Dem. No, not he, by Jove; look at them, burst and tattered!
B.-P.-S. That shows the man! now, spick and span, behold my noble largess!
A lovely pair, bought for your wear, at my own cost and charges,
Dem. I see your mind is well inclined, with views and temper suiting,
To place the state of things—and toes—upon a proper footing.
B.-P.-S. But there now, see—this winter he might pass without his clothing;
The season's cold—he's chilly and old—but still you think of nothing;
Whilst I, to show my love, bestow this waistcoat as a present,

Comely and new, with sleeves thereto, of flannel, warm and pleasant.