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¬or rather all the elements combined, blew directly upon the shore; at midnight we were embayed, and before the day dawned, a brighter and an eternal day rose, I trust, upon my brave and hapless companions; as the vessel having taken the ground and overset above two cables' length from the shore, every soul of them perished. — I jumped overboard myself the moment she struck, and being a dexterous swim- mer, which gave me confidence amidst waves that seemed contending with the clouds, I was dashed to and fro till I felt something strike against my breast. — It was a spar from the vessel, and clinging to it I was saved. ¬The coast was thinly inhabited, or rather almost a desert; but a few honest and kind- hearted people came down to the beach in the morning and comforted me in their little cabins near the sea. — They seemed much surprized at the floating fragments of the vessel, as, though the structure of it was demolished, the timbers, ¬they ¬