Page:Armistice Day.djvu/102

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the blockade which otherwise "would cause the starvation of millions of men, women and children." Premier Clemenceau in communicating the armistice to the Chamber of Deputies said that the taking away of all locomotives and 150,000 cars would embarrass Germany's means of provisioning and that "In this first hour we must come to her aid. We do not make war against humanity but for humanity."



'Twas like this, my children:

Down in the harbor a deep-throated whistle sounded; then another and another and then the bells and the motor horns and the factory whistles and the cheers. A great wave of joy rolled over the city. Joy that rose to the towers and hung quivering in the tree-tops. Joy that crept into every nook and corner and filled every heart. Friend and foe alike on fire with joy.

"The war is over. Peace, peace, peace at last." The wave of joy swelled to an ocean and swept from shore to shore carrying a people upon its crest.

"Peace. Lay down those shells you are making. They'll never be wanted.