Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/19

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to hear my witneſſes ſpeak, who I fear not will make it plainly appear that I am falſely accuſed.

The Judges.

Thou ſhalt have any favour that can be had, therefore bring in your witneſſes and let us hear what they can ſay in your behalf.

The Ploughman enters.

Gentlemen, I pray a man may ſpeak without offence, who intends to ſay the truth, and nothing more.

The Judges.

Yes, thou mayest be bold to ſpeak the truth, and nothing more, for that is the cauſe we ſit here for; ſo therefore now ſpeak-up boldly, that we may underſtand thee.


Gentlemen, in the firſt place let me hear what bold impudent rogue dare to ſay one word againſt Sir John Barley-