Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/7

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The TRIAL of

Sir John Barleycorn.


O Yes, O Yes, O Yes, If any man or woman in country, town, or city; have any ſxits or bills of indictment againſt Sir John Barleycorn, let them appear this day, and they ſhall either hear or be heard.

Vulcan the blackſmith appears, and gives in his Bill.

Be it known to you all, Gentlemen, that this Sir John Barleycorn hath been a ſore enemy to me and many of my fellows. For many a time, when I have been buſy at my work, not thinking any manner of harm to any man, but having a fire ſpark in my throat, and one time going to the ſign of the Cup and Kan for one penny, worth of ale, there I found Sir John, and thinking no harm to any one