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their domeſtic or economical commerce. Both this ſea and the Palus Mæotis abound in fiſh of a large ſize[1], and excellent quality. This is aſcribed by Pliny[2] to its waters being leſs ſalt than thoſe of the Mediterranean, which made them more proper for hatching the ſpawn, in the ſame manner as we obſerve ſome ſea-fiſh, ſalmon particularly, come up the freſh-water rivers to depoſit their ova. The Mæotis being, by the influx of the Tanais[3], leſs ſalt than the Euxine ſea, attracts them thither, as a breeding-place, and perhaps on account of its cold climate, the tunny fiſh being, according to Ælian, very impatient of heat.

The fiſh, when they have attained a convenient ſize, pour out through the Cimmerian Boſporus into the Black ſea, and ſwim along the ſouthern coaſt to the Thracian Boſporus, in their way to the Mediterranean. Their growth is very rapid during their paſſage. The fiſhery, according to Strabo[4], begins about Trapezus, or Pharnacea (Ceraſus); but they are ſeldom caught at either of theſe places of a time ſufficient to ſalt as an article of trade.

By the time the ſhoals had proceeded weſtward as far as Sinope [5],

  1. Piſcium genus omne, præciua celeritate adoleſcit manime in Punto. Plin. lib. ix. c. 15. xxxii. c. 11. Strabon. lib. vii. p. 320. Ed.Pariſ
  2. Plin. lib. 9. c. 15.
  3. Polyb. lib. iv. c. 5. The ſhallowneſs of the Palus Mæotis may perhaps be an inducement to go thither to breed. Polybius ſays, in moſt places it is not more than five or ſeven fathom: deep.
  4. Strabon. lib. vii. p. 320.,
  5. A medal ſteuck at Sinope has a tunny on its reverſe. Patin. 317. Piſcis in nummo cælatus pelamis eſt, ad denotandam thunuorum ſeu pelamidum verſus ejus littus abundantiam et piſcationem, de qua tradit Strabo, lib. vii. p. 320. Naſcitur autem in paludibus Mæotidis, cumque aliquid virium cepit, ac ad liltus Aſianum dwferuntur uſque ad Trapezuntem et Pharnaciam, atque ibi primum capiuntur: ſed ea piſcatio copioſa non eſt, quia juſtam magnitudinem pelamidee non ſunt aſſocutæ, Σινώπην προΐουσα ὡραιτέρα πρός τε τὴν θήραν, ϗ̀ τὴν ταριχείαν ἐϛίν, Poſtquam ad Cyanaes
