Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/63

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the mouth of the Sangarius, or about 113 Engliſh miles; and ſeveral maps agree nearly' with this diſtance: but Mr. Arrowſmith's chart makes it to be leſs than 87 Engliſh miles, or about [1]760 ſtadia. The Peutingerian Tables make it 148 miles, equal to 1184 ſtadia. Strabo ſays, that it is 500 ſtadia from the mouth of the Sangarius to Heraclea. Arrian makes it to be 660. Modern maps in general agree with Strabo's computation; but Mr. Arrowſmith's chart makes it only about 30 Engliſh miles, or about 262 ſtadia. Ptolemy makes the diſtance to be one degree of longitude, which in that latitude is about 52 Engliſh miles and a half, or about 400 ſtadia.

From the mouth of the Sangarius to that of the Hippus 180 ſtadia. This diſtance is ſet down in Ptolemy as equal to a degree of longitude, or 52.452 Engliſh miles; but Arrian makes it 22.5 Greek miles, equal to 20.5 Engliſh miles, and is nearer the truth. The Peutingerian Tables make it 19 Greek miles, or about 152 ſtadia. The Hippus is mentioned by Scylax, and by Apollonius, and characteriſed by the [2] latter as a deep river.

From the Hippus to Lilium Emporium 100 ſtadia. D'Anvillle's map places a river here; if ſo, this was the port at its mouth; but I cannot find any mention of one. There is, however, in all the modern maps, a place called Halebli, at the mouth of a river, which agrees nearly with the ſituation of this place.

From Lilliam Emporium to Elem 60 ſtadia. 'D'Anville's map

  1. Mr. Arrowſmith's chart ſeems to mean the Sangariue by the Kara: the other maps and the chart make them to be two diſtinct rivers.
  2. βαθυρείοντος ὑφ' εἱαμεναῖς ὑπίοιο. Argon. ii, verſ. 797.
