Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/82

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Antoninus Pius nominated Pacorus to be their king; and it appears from Procopiuſ[1], that ſomething of the ſame kind, although probably more in ſhew than in reality, was continued for many ages afterwards.

From ancient Lazica to ancient Achaia 150 ſtadia. Strabo intimates, that this name of Achaia was derived from ſome of the Theſſalians of Phthiotis, who ſettled here at the time of the Argonautic expedition, and that the Lacedæmonians alſo formed a ſettlement in Heniochia under their leaders, Rhecas and Amphiſtratus, who were charioteers to the Dioſcuri, or Caſtor and Pollux; and this circumſtance is ſaid to have given occaſion to the name Ἡνίοχος; another memorial of the Argonautic expedition.

From ancient Achaia to Pagræ 350 ſtadia. From Pagræ to the Sacred port 180 ſtadia. There is a place on this coaſt, which ſtill retains the name in a kind of mixture of Turkiſh and Greek, being called Koddos-liman[2], which has the ſame meaning. This is about 160 Engliſbh miles, or 1400 ſtadia, in a ſtraight line from Iſkouriah, or Dioſcurias; but Arrian makes it amount to 1990 ſtadia. The computation however of theſe diſtances may be expected to be leſs correct, as they refer to places beyond the bounds of the Empire.

From the Sacred port to Sindica 300 ſtadia. Strabo calls this a port, and one called Sundgik Liman ſtill remains at the diſtance of about 51 Engliſh miles from the Sacred port, which is ſufficiently

  1. Bell. Periſcum lib. ii. c. 15.
  2. Laurie and Whittle's chart of the Black ſea. Arrowſmith's chart callis it Kaldoſliman.
