Page:Arrian's Voyage Round the Euxine Sea Translated.djvu/93

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or 1224 ſtadia[1] . Arrowſmith's chart makes it to be in a ſtraight line 113 Engliſh miles, equal nearly to 123 Greek miles, or 984 ſtadia only. Pliny[2] reckons it at 188 miles, or about 1504 ſtadia. It is now called Sizeboli. Apollonian was a colony of the Mileſians, and formerly remarkable for a coloſſal ſtatue of Apollo, which Lucullus carried away, and placed in the Capitol. It was 30 cubits high, (equal, if Roman meaſure, to 43.5 Engliſh feet,) and coſt 550 talents, equal to 105,562 pounds ſterling.

From Apollonian[3] to Cherroneſus 60 ſtadia. From Cherroneſus to Aulai-tichos 250 ſtadia. From Aulai-tichos to Thynias 120 ſtadia. This ſeems to have been a colony from Apollonian. The iſland of Thynias on the ſouth ſide of the Euxine ſea was ſacred to Apollo, and called Apollonian. There is ſtill a cape Thyniada in this ſituation. It is called a promontory by Ptolemy.

From Thynias to Salmydeſſus 200 ſtadia. Strabo ſays, that it is 700 ſtadia from hence to the Cyaneae Inſulæ. According to Arrian, it is 650 ſtadia. Strabo ſays, the coaſt is deſert, ſtony, without harbours, and expoſed to the north wind, which may account for

  1. From Callatia to Triffa. 24 m.p
    Triſſa to Bihone 12
    Bihone to Dionyſopolis 19
    Dionyſopolis to Odeſſus 32
    Odeſſus to Erite 11
    Erite to Templ. jovis 16
    Templ. lovin to Meſembria 16
    Meſembria to Auchialus 12
    Anchialus to Apollonian 18
      153 =1224 ſtadia.
  2. Lib. iv. c. xz.
  3. From Apollonian to the Os Ponti is, ac cording to Pliny, 188 m. p. or 1504 ſtadia. Arrian makes it to be 1320 ſtadia only.
