Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/153

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eggs well beat, a spoonful of mushroom-pickle, stir all together till it is thick; then pour it into your dish, and garnish with lemon.

Cold fowl skinned, and done this way, eats well; or the best end of a cold breast of veal; first fry it, drain it from the fat, then pour this sauce to it.

To hash cold mutton.

CUT your mutton with a very sharp knife in very little bits, as thin as possibble; then boil the bones with an onion, a little sweet-herbs, a blade of mace, a very little whole pepper, a little salt, a piece of crust toasted very crisp: let it boil till there is just enough for sauce, strain it, and put it into a sauce-pan, with a piece of butter rolled in flour; put in the meat, when it is very hot, it is enough. Have ready some thin bread toasted brown, cut three-corner-ways, lay them round the dish, and pour in the hash. As to walnut-pickle, and all sorts of pickles, you must put in according to your fancy. Garnish with pickles. Some love a small onion peeled, and cut very small, and done in the hash. To hash cold mutton. To hash mutton like venison. CUT it very thin as above; boil the bones as above; strain the liquor, where there is just enough for the hash, to a quarter of a pint of gravy put a large spoonful of red wine, an onion peeled and chopped fine, a very little lemon-peel shred fine, a piece of butter as big as a small walnut rolled in flour; put it into a sauce-pan with the meat, shake it all together, and when it is thoroughly hot, pour into your dish. Hash beef the same way.

To make collops of cold beef.

IF you have any cold inside of a surloin of beef, take off all the fat, cut it very thin in little bits, cut an onion very small, boil as much water as you think will do for sauce, season it with a little pepper and salt, and a bundle of sweet herbs. Let the water boil, then put in the meat, with a good piece of butter rolled in flour, shake it round, and stir it. When the sauce is thick and the meat done, take out the sweet-herbs, and pour it into your dish. They do better than fresh meat.

To make a florentine of veal.

TAKE two kidneys of a loin of veal, fat and all, and mince it very fine, then chop a few herbs and put to it, and add a few currants: season it with cloves, mace, nutmeg, and a little salt, four or five yolks of eggs chopped fine, and some crumbs of bread, a pippin or two chopped, some candied lemon-peel cut