Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/212

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The Art of Cookery.

any dish, and when it is enough lay the slices into another dish. Pour the butter and wine into the dish it was baked in, give it a boil, and pour it into the dish. Garnish with lemon. This is a fine dish. Squeeze the juice of a lemon in.

To broil mackrel whole.

CUT off their heads, gut them, wash them clean, pull the roc at the neck-end, boil it in a little water, then bruise it, with a spoon, beat up the yolk of an egg, with a little nutmeg, a little lemon-peel cut fine, a little thyme, some parsley boiled and chopped fine, a little pepper and salt, a few crumbs of bread: mix all well together, and fill the mackrel; flour it well, and broil it nicely. Let your sauce be plain butter, with a little catchup or walnut-pickle.

To broil herrings.

SCALE them, gut them, cut off their heads, wash the clean, dry them in a cloth, flour them and broil them, but with your knife just notch them across: take the heads and mash them, boil them in small beer or ale, with a little whole pepper and onion. Let it boil a quarter of an hour, then strain it; thicken it with butter and flour, and a good deal of mustard. Lay the fish in the dish, and pour the sauce into a bason, or slain melted butter and mustard.

To fry herrings.

CLEAN them as above, fry them in butter, have ready good many onions peeled and cut thin. Fry them of a light brown with the herrings; lay the herrings in your dish, and the onions round, butter and mustard in a cup. You must do them with a quick fire.

To dress herring and cabbage.

BOIL your cabbage tender, then put it into a sauce-pan, and chop it with a spoon; put in a good piece of butter, let it stew, stirring left it should burn. Take some red herrings and split them open, and toast them before the fire, till they are hot through. Lay the cabbage in a dish, and lay the herring on it, and send it to table hot.

Or pick your herring from the bones, and throw all over your cabbage. Have ready a hot iron, and just hold it over the herring to make it hot, and send it away quick.
