Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/298

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The Art of Cookery.

soning, fry them brown in oil, and let them stand till they are cold; then put them into vinegar, and cover them with oil. They will keep well covered a great while, and are delicious.


Of Pickling.

To pickle walnuts green.

TAKE the largest and clearest you can get, pare them as thin as you can, have a tub of spring-water stand by you, and throw them in as you do them. Put into the water a pound of bay-salt, let them lie in the water twenty-four hours, take them out of the water, then put them into a stone-jar, and between every layer of walnuts lay a layer of vine-leaves at the bottom and top, and fill it up with cold vinegar. Let them stand all night, then pour the vinegar from them into a copper or bell-metal skillet, with a pound of bay-salt; set it on the fire, let it boil, then pour it hot on your nuts, tie them over with a woolen cloth, and let them stand a week; then pour that pickle away, rub your nuts clean with a piece of flannel; then put them again in your jar, with vine-leaves, as above, and boil fresh vinegar. Put into your pot to every gallon of vinegar, a nutmeg sliced, cut four large races of ginger, a quarter of an ounce of mace, the same of cloves, a quarter of an ounce of whole black pepper, the like of Ordingal pepper; then pour your vinegar boiling hot on your walnuts; and cover them with a woollen cloth. Let it stand three or four days, so do two or three times; when cold, put in half a pint of mustard-seed, a large stick of horse-raddish sliced, tie them down close with a bladder, and then with a leather. They will be fit to eat in a fortnight. Take a large onion, stick the cloves in, and lay in the middle of the pot. If you do them for keeping, don't boil your vinegar, but then they will not be fit to eat under six months: and the next year you may boil the pickle this way. They will keep two or three years good and firm.

To pickle walnuts white.

TAKE the largest nuts you can get, just before the shell begins to turn, pare them very thin till the white appears, and throw them into spring water, with a handful of salt as you do them.Let