To collar beef 254
Another way to season a collar of beef 255
To collar salmon ib
To make Dutch beef ib
To make sham brawn 256
To souse a turkey in imitation of sturgeon ib
To pickle pork ib
A pickle for pork which is to be eat soon 257
To make veal hams ib
To make beef hams ib
To make mutton hams 258
To make pork hams ib
To make bacon 259
To save potted birds that begin to be bad ib
To pickle mackrel, called caveach ib
Of pickling.
To pickle walnttts green 2c To pickle walnuts white ib To pickle walnuts black 361 To pickle gerkins 36a Tp ptckle large cucumbers in iflices ' ib To pickle afparagus 26% To pickle peaches ib T-o pickle raddiih pods 264. To pickle French beans ib To pickle cauliflowers ib To pickle beet root |t6 j To pickle white plumbs ib To pickle ne&arihes and apricots ib To pickle onions ib To pickle lemons 266 To p-.ckle muflirooms white ib To make pickle for mufhrooms ib To pickle codlings 2.67 pag. ib 268 ib ib To pickle red currants To pickle fennel To pickle grapes To pickle barberries To picklie red cabbage^ To pickle golden pippins . To pickle Ilertion buds anc} limeSi you pick them oflT the jime- ' trees in the fummer 269 To pickle oyfiers; cockles* and muflels ib Tp pickle young fuckers, or young artichokes before the leaves are hard ib To pickle artichoke-bottoms %1o To pickle famphire ^ . ib Elder*roou in imicatloo of bam«> boo ib Rules (9 ]be obferved in plckljpg xjx C H A |^