Fricasey, how to make a brown fricasey, 22. A white fricasey, 23, 24. To fricasey chickens, rabbits, veal, lamb, &c. 23. Rabbits, lamb, sweetbreads, or tripe, 24. Another way to fricasey tripe, ib. A fricasey of pigeons, 25. A fricasey of lamb-stones and sweetbreads, 26. A fricasey of neats tongues, 42. To fricasey ox-palates, 43. To fricasey cod, 170. To fricasey cod-sounds, 176. To fricasey skirrets, 189. A fricasey of artichoke bottoms, 191. A white fricasey of mushrooms, ib.
Fritters, how to make hasty fritters, 156. Fine fritters, two ways, ib. Apple fritters, ib. Curd fritters, 157. Fritters royal, ib. skirret-fritters, ib. White fritters, ib. Water fritters, 150. Syringed fritters, ib. To make vine-leave fritters, ib. Clary fritters, 159. Spanish fritters, 368. Fruits, the several seasons for, 325. Fry, how to fry tripe, 25. Beef-steaks, two ways, 38. A loin of lamb, 51. Sausages, 113. Cold veal, 114. To make fry'd toasts, 166. To fry carp, 167. Tench, 168. Herrings, 174. To fry eels, 179. Chardoons fry'd and butter'd, 190. To fry artichokes, 191. Potatoes, 193. Eggs as round as balls, 201. Fry'd celery, 205. Cauliflowers fry'd, 206. Fry'd smelts, 213. Furmity, how to make, 154. G. Garden, directions concerning garden things, 11. The produce of the kitchen and fruit garden, in different seasons of the year, 325, 328. Giam, how to make a raspberry giam, 286. Gerkins, how to pickle, 162. Giblets, how to stew, 83. Another way to stew giblets, 84. How to make a giblet pye, 137. Gingerbread cakes, how to make, 273. How to make gingerbread, 274. Gold lace, how to clean, 365. Golden-pippins , how to pickle, 268. Good-wetts, how to chuse, 322. Goose, how to roast, 5, 6, 18. A mock goose, how prepared, 3. Sauce for a goose, 5. Sauce for a boiled goose, 9. To dress a green goose, 82. How to dress a goose with onions, or cabbage, 82. To dry a goose, ib. To dresa a goose in ragoo, ib. A goose a la mode, 83. To make a goose pye, 140. To make a pudding with the blood of a goose, 250. How to chuse a tame, wild, or bran goose, 321. Gooseberry, how to make a gooseberry fool, 153. A gooseberry pye, 225. How to make it red, ib. Custards good with it, ib. Gooseberry cream, 285. Gooseberry wine, 292. How to preserve gooseberries whole without stoning, 305. How to keep green gooseberries till Christmas, 301. To keep red gooseberries, 311.