Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/433

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roast a leg of mutton with oysters, 45. To roast a leg of mutton with cockles, ib. A shoulder of mutton in epigram, ib. A harrico of mutton, ib. To French a hind saddle of mutton, ib. Another French way call'd St. Menehout, 46. To make a mutton hash, 37. A second way to raost a leg of mutton, with oysters, ib. To dress a leg of mutton to eat like venison, 84. To dress mutton the Turkish way, ib. A shoulder of mutton with a ragoo of turnips, ib. To stuff a leg or shoulder of mutton, 49. Baked mutton chops, 50. To boil a leg of mutton like venison, 65. Mutton chops in disguise, 73. Mutton kebob'd, 100. To dress a neck of mutton called the hasty dish, ib. To hash cold mutton like venison, ib. To make mutton gravy, 122. Mutton broth, 126. Mutton pye, 136. Mutton broth for the sick, 233. To make it for very weak people, ib. To make mutton hams, 258. How to chuse mutton, 318. N. Nectarines, how to pickle, 265. Norfolk dumplings, how to make, 221. North, lady, her way, of jarring cherries, 300. November, the product of the kitchen and fruit garden this month, 328. Nun-cake, how to make, 273. O. Oat-pudding, how to bake, 130, 245. Oatmeal hasty pudding, how to make, 155. Oatmeal pudding, 206, 245. Oatmeal flummery, 287. Oat-cakes, 298. October, the product of the kitchen and fruit garden this month, 327. Olive, how to make an olive pye, 135. Onions, how to make a ragoo of onions, 110. An onion soop, 148. An onion pye, 224. To pickle onions, 256, 312. To make onion soop the Spanish way, 342. Orange, how to make orange tarts, 145. Orange fool, 153. Orange pudding, four ways, 207, 208. An orangeado pye, 224. Orange butter, 280. Orange cream, 282. Orange wine, 291. To make orange wine with raisins, ib. Orange marmalade, 301, 355. How to preserve oranges whole, 302. To make orange wafers, 351. Orange cakes, ib. Orange loaves, 346. Orange biscuits, 364. Ortolans, how to dress, 96. Oven for baking, how to be built, 300. Ox, how to bake and ox's head, 20. To stew ox palates, 22. To fricasey ox palates, 43. To roast ox palates, ib. To pickle ox palates, 108. Ox palates baked, 118. How to make gravy of ox kidneys, 121. Ox cheek pye, 139. Oxford, how to make an Oxford pudding, 133. Oysters, how to make a ragoo of, 110. To make mock oyster sauce, either for turkies or fowls boil'd, 67. To make an oyster soop, 150. Oyster sauce, 171. To make collops of oysters, 186. To ragoo oysters, 188. To make oyster loaves, 195. How to pickle oysters, 269.