Page:Artabanzanus (Ferrar, 1896).djvu/171

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personage in whose presence I was standing; and now to my intense astonishment and pity, he turned abruptly to the image of his idolized Helen, threw his arms around it, kissed its lips passionately, fell on his knees before it, and addressed it thus: 'Helen, my adored Helen! if you could speak now what would you say? Would you not say again what you said with your last earthly breath? "Julius, I love you—we shall meet again—I am dying, but I am not lost, and you shall not be if—if——": and you said no more. You died in my mother's arms, as if, in the indignation of some mighty spirit, you were torn out of my very heart. Oh Helen! I love you still. I am faithful to you—I adore you—I worship you! For two hundred years I have been your slave. I created this chamber to be your dwelling-place, and yet not so, for you dwell with your loving Father, your God, in a home of joy and brightness, while I, miserable being! live in darkness, in the hatred of hell, and in the shadow of death. What shall I do, Helen? Shall I curse my Maker, and die for ever? Is it possible for me to die? I have died the First Death: the Second Death is utter annihilation, or eternal wrath and fire. If you are in existence—if you have the power—oh Helen, visit me! Advise with me! Pity me! Do you not remember how I told you that were I in heaven itself I could not live without you? No, were I with angels and just men made perfect! Did I not tell you, that to the Supreme Being Himself I would not bow, if you were denied me?'

When I heard this open blasphemy, I felt a spirit of indignation taking possession of me, and I interrupted the speaker sternly, but calmly, regardless of the consequences.

'Sir, sir, this is not well! rise from your knees, or still kneel—but turn away from your idol, and pray to the all-powerful Being who created you, and gave you life—who gave your Helen life and beauty. Are you bereft of sense,