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Arthur M‘Bride.

O I had a couſin call’d Arthur M’Bride,
And we were a walking down by the ſea ſide,
Whatever might paſs, or whatever beſide,
While bright Phoebus’ rays were adorning.
For our recreation we were on a tramp,
We met Sergeant Napier and Corporal Pamp,
And the little drummer that attended the camp:
This happen’d on Chriſtmas morning.

God bleſs you, good fellows, the Sergeant did ſay,
And you, too, kind gentlemen, we did reply,
Without any more, we paſſed them by,
The morning being pleaſant and charming.
Now come, my gay fellows, if you will inliſt,
Five guineas of gold we will give in your fiſt,
And a crown to the bargain, we’ll ſoon raiſe a duſt,
And drink the King’s health in the morning.

Come back to the change houſe & we’ll have a quart,
And if you engage, no money will us part,
For I love the boy that is lively and ſmart,
And that would take advance in the morning.
If we were ſo fooliſh as to take the advance,
You’d think it no ſcruple to ſend us to France,
Where of every danger we be to run chance,
And perhaps loſe our heads in a morning.

You need not be talking more about clothes,
You have but the loan of them, as we ſuppoſe,
You dare not them change, and offer your noſe,

Or you would be flogg’d in a morning.