Page:Arthur Stringer-The Loom of Destiny.djvu/122

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The Loom of Destiny

saying he would n't wear patches on his pants. Johnnie once more regained his superiority by pointing out that he did n't have to wear his sister's old shoes.

So day by day the struggle went on. Johnnie Armstrong seemed to be getting the worst of it, until he remembered something that was as a Blücher for his Waterloo.

With a great air he said to his enemy: "The doctor comes to our house every day." The circle of listening urchins heard the remark with a certain awe. With them that meant either a baby or a funeral.

"Oh, that's nothin'," said the enemy. "My ma had three doctors when Tommie swallowed the penny." A chorus of wonder went up from the listening circle.

Johnnie snorted. "H'gh! A penny's nothin'! My mother's got consumption!"

"I don't care if she has. Mine gets chills and fever jus' terrible!"

Johnnie felt that dangerous surge sweep over him.

"Yes, but my mother coughs all day long, and has night sweats, and her medicine costs