Page:Arthur Stringer-The Loom of Destiny.djvu/154

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The Loom of Destiny

"Then you know my Uncle Harry at Maudlin! Why, I go up to Oxford often and often. And I've seen the Bump races, and Uncle Harry and me went up Maudlin Tower, and the Provost of Balliol gave me some lemon squash, and Uncle Harry showed me the holes Cromwell's cannons made in New College. You know 'em, don't you?"

"Why, yes," said Mary Edith, jumping down on Georgie's side of the fence. "And is n't the Provost a funny fat old man?"

"Yes, and you remember how he grunts? And are n't the barges awf'ly jolly? And the Proggins! Is n't his velvet sleeves like a woman's? And I s'pose you've seen my Uncle Harry rowing in the Eight? He's '3,' you know."

Mary Edith s'posed she had, and asked if he was the one with the awf'ly hairy legs.

Then they fell into a general conversation, and he explained that he was usually called Georgie, and Mary Edith sang, "Oh, Georgie, Georgie, Puddin'y Pie!" and then the two found their bedrooms were right next to each other, where the windows were