Page:Arthur Stringer-The Loom of Destiny.djvu/184

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The Loom of Destiny

prised. When he knew the invader was n't going to fight him, his respect for the invader went down ten degrees.

Still, the owner of the puddle felt not a little proud of the fact that a being wearing so many Glittering Things should come and ask favours of him. He even said that the boy in velvet might come over and sail the boat. But just once! No more than once, because that boat cost more than all the money the banana man ever had in all his life!

After a time the boy in velvet suggested taking off his shoes, like the other. The Alley boy never before had seen such white legs, and was much disgusted when his companion confessed the stones hurt his feet—but just the littlest bit!

The Alley boy showed the other how to squeeze the mud up between his toes, and how to pick up pebbles with his big toe, curling it under. Then the two grew quite friendly, and had a most glorious mud battle.

How that battle would have come out it is hard to say. At the critical moment the