Page:Arthur Stringer-The Loom of Destiny.djvu/218

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The Loom of Destiny

outside, and away up the Square another hurdygurdy had begun to play, and the blind was flapping lazily to and fro and letting the warm sunlight stream over him. It was all so poignantly lovely! The world was so strangely beautiful! Life was so unspeakably sweet!

The Nurse came in on tiptoe, for she had expected he would be asleep.

She slipped a clinic thermometer under his tongue, and sat on the bed looking into his eyes.

"How's temperature?" asked the Doctor, showing his head at the door.

"It's up two points," said the nurse, impassively.

"H'm! Then tell Simpson not to mind about the operating table. Friday will be soon enough."

The nurse looked at the child and sighed. Bliss was gazing far out over the tree tops at the blue sky. He reached out his hand to take the Nurse's.

Without a moment's warning a torrent of sudden tears burst from his eyes, and his body shook with a passionate sob.