Page:Arthur Stringer - Gun Runner.djvu/292

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"I know it," he said, with all the joy and confidence trailing out of his voice.

"Then Ganley will have one whole day to act. The Sanibella guns will be pushed up to Guariqui. Ulloa s men will be without ammunition."

"They can hold out!" he answered her.

"But they may not," she cried. "It may all be over and done before we can help them. And we will be here at the mercy of Ganley!"

She failed to impart any shred of her terror to the listening operator.

"Yes," he said, with abstracted and studious eyes, "that is the one thing that worries me."

"But Ganley can do anything, once we're at Puerto Locombia. This ship and everything it carries will be under his thumb!"

"Yes, that is still our problem—we've still got that bridge to cross," he confessed. "Yet I think we can cross it, when the time comes."

"But how?" she demanded.

"By not having this ship remain at Puerto Locombia, once Ganley's put ashore," was his answer.

"Then in what way could we still help Guariqui—in time?" was her forlorn and helpless query.

"We've got to make a way!" he told her, with his grim yet reassuring smile.