Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/187

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"But I thought our Bobine Whisperer had superseded all that?" he finally ventured. And Sadie, watching from the other side of the table, felt sure that she saw a secret eye-flash pass some secret message between Andelman and the waiter called Alphonse, as the latter lifted away the empty oyster-plates.

"Why should the Bobine Whisperer supersede the Hovland adaptation?" inquired Andelman, with his eyes on Kestner's impassive face.

"Because both Scrivner and Oliver have acknowledged its superiority." Kestner looked up at Andelman with sudden surprise on his face. "You knew it was the Bobine Whisperer specifications which were stolen, didn't you?"

It was a direct interrogation, but Andelman did not directly reply to It. For just a moment his eyes rested absently on the vase of Richmond roses. Then he turned smilingly to Sadie Wimpel and Wilsnach.

"Perhaps our friends here would like you to give them a description of this mysterious Whisperer," he finally ventured.

It was at this point that Sadie turned to Wilsnach with the carelessly put command: "Gimme a card