Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/189

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Sadie promptly defeated this end by insolently and half-angrily blowing the card-fragments back into Kestner's lap. He ignored the maneuver, for his mind seemed set on more serious things. He even frowned a little when the bland-eyed Wilsnach broke in with one of his apparently uninspired interrogations.

"But just what is the Bobine Whisperer?" the methodic-minded man from the Paris office was inquiring.

Andelman, for some unknown reason, permitted the ghost of a smile to flit for a moment about his lips. Then he leaned patiently back in his chair as Kestner began to speak.

"Since we've all united in the task of keeping this Bobine Whisperer secret from getting out of America," began Kestner, "it won't be a loss of time to try to give you an inkling of what it is. But please correct me," he added, as he again turned smilingly toward Andelman, "if I make mistakes. The Bovine Whisperer is our improvement on the Bellini and Tosi rectangular aerial device for wireless. That is to say, two aerials at right angles are so attached to both sending and receiving apparatus as to permit of the transmission of unequal currents.