Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/225

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circus I can't watch but one ring at a time. I got so excited when I put me hands on those gover'ment codes that I thought I'd better be goin' when the goin' was good. I didn't think much about Wallaby Sam, except that he might come to, and gimme the chase!"

Kestner studied her with a form of perplexity.

"But Breitman has been acting as Keudell's right-hand man! And I felt sure that had been made plain to you."

"Oh, I was gerry to that, all right," admitted the somewhat embarrassed young woman in the chair. "But there were certain reasons why I wasn't so crazy about havin' Wallaby Sam rounded up last night!"

"What reasons?"

"Well, I knew Wilsnach would be on the job. And I didn't want Wilsnach third-degreein' that old robin!"

"Why not?"

"B'cause that old robin knows too much about me past."

"What past?"

"The past Blynn said yuh'd all keep the door shut on, s'long as I kept it shut myself!"