Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/301

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girl's lip curled a little with scorn. But otherwise she remained outwardly unmoved.

"It rather annoys me," she finally replied.

Keudell swept her with a glacial eye. "It suits me as it is," was his reply. "And you will have, madame, worse things than that to annoy you before you have finished with us!"

"Ain't he the big man!" murmured Sadie, settling back in her chair.

Her nonchalance seemed for a moment to nonplus Keudell, to leave him nothing against which to storm. Then he cleared himself again for action.

"You will tell us," he suddenly said, and his voice gave the sense of thundering even while it remained moderate in volume, "you will tell us what you know about Abraham Shindler."

Sadie continued to study him with a perplexed yet casual eye.

"What's the guy's name?" she inquired.

"Shindler, I said!" repeated Keudell. But the thunder-bolt, repeated, was without its sense of shock. Sadie Wimpel merely shook her head.

"Yuh're barkin' up the wrong tree. That gink ain't on my callin' list!"