Page:Arthur Stringer - The Door of Dread.djvu/331

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which spoke above Andelman's whimper. "Bring Heinold down here so we can talk this thing out."

Wallaby Sam, with a grunt, turned and shuffled back into the lighted room.

"I tell you you haven't time for debating societies around this house! You're steering for a fall!"

It was the big man of the taxi who spoke.

"When those guys hit us, they'll hit heavy. You leave the girl to me. I can have her held for a couple of weeks, and when you send the word I'll—"

Still again he broke off for Wallaby Sam and Heinold were groping and stumbling their way down the stairs. They had switched out the light behind them, Sadie noticed, but they had not stopped to lock the door. Of that she was positive. And on that she built her hopes.

She sidled noiselessly along the wall, working her way step by cautious step toward the stair-head. Her movements were equally deliberate as she groped for the door-knob, caressed it between her strong young fingers and carefully turned it. As she expected, it yielded and swung back to her pressure. She slipped inside and with a silence born of infinite precaution closed and relocked the door, leaving the key in the lock.