Page:Arthur Stringer - The Hand of Peril.djvu/316

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little gawd fr'm the machine, an' buy 'em off until she can get out o' Rome an' across to Corfu or Ragusa. An' that means he's got her tied up for his own work. An' it may mean he's got her for more'n that!"

Kestner looked at his watch. The old listless air had gone from him. He was once more on his feet.

"What else do you know?"

"Ain't that enough?"

"God knows, it's enough!" he gasped, as he strode up and down.

"Then what're you goin' to do about it?"

"I'm going to get to those rooms before Watchel gets there."

"And then what?"

"Then I'm going to hang the Indian sign on that plant, as you'd put it!"

"And then?"

Kestner stood deep in thought. When he spoke, he did so with much deliberation.

"It may even be necessary for you to get some one else to copy those old masters for you. I imagine Maura Lambert isn't going to be many more days in this city."

There was a smile on the pert young face.

"That may not be as easy as it listens."

"I'm used to things that are not easy," admitted Kestner. "And there's just one thing I want you to help me in."

"Fire ahead!"

"I want you to keep Maura Lambert away from her rooms until eight o'clock to-night."

"That's easy!" admitted Sadie, as she rose to her