Page:Arthur Stringer - The Hand of Peril.djvu/72

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"But some such trip is in the air, or they wouldn't be interested in the Pannonia."

"Even though she acted on the message, there'd be some one in that circle of hers to interfere."

"Then, for a few hours, it would be our duty to see that she was not interfered with."

"But you and I and Maresi can't fight all Sicily. That woman is being watched, you may be sure. She's not going to move far without the rest of the gang knowing it. And if it's a suspicious move, they won't be slow about stepping in."

"Then we must be there to help them out."

"But that gang has got money, and with money, m. this hanged country, they can have half the brigantaggio of the island at their heels. It's a combination we can't stand up against."

"Then we've got to think out a plan of beating them from under cover."

"But this doesn't take any account of Lambert himself," demurred Wilsnach.

"We don't know where Lambert is. But this much we do know: his daughter is essential to his ends. Whatever his personal feelings may be towards her, he at least needs her in his work. And wherever she goes, he'll tail along if you give him time."

"Then how about the other man, Morello?"

"Morello's in the same boat with Lambert. He'll follow the woman. And he'll be in New York, for that olive-oil importing business needs him there. I found twelve of his gallon tins in the wine-cellar. They've been packing them with counterfeit paper, filling them up with sand and cork-dust to make the