Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/125

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intruder and crisply asked just what he could do for her.

Teddie found it hard to begin. She made two false starts, in fact, before she was able to begin. And then she refused to be further intimidated by the paraded professional dignity of a person who'd once helped her paint zebra-stripes on a Jersey cow.

"Gerry, do you know Raoul Uhlan?" she found herself quite casually inquiring.

Gerry pondered the question for a moment. He was really thinking, all the time, how extraordinarily lovely Teddie could look in blue-fox.

"He's a man whom I have the privilege of not knowing," was Gerry's retarded but none the less satisfactory reply. "Why do you ask?"

"Because he's suing me for twenty-five thousand dollars," was Teddie's altogether unexpected announcement. Gerry, however, seemed determined to remain immobile.

"Not for breach of promise?" he asked, with an air of diffidence.