Page:Arthur Stringer - Twin Tales.djvu/150

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stepped into the studio without his being conscious of the fact. And it was the voice of this intruder, more than Teddie's sudden recoil of startled wonder, that promptly brought the Commodore to attention.

"So he's doin' it too!" called out Gunboat Dorgan, with a quaver of incredulity in his Celtic young voice. Whereupon he threw down his hat and advanced slowly toward the table-end. "Say it quick," he commanded. "D' yuh want me to knock his block off?"

"No, no," cried Teddie, already on her feet. "There's been too much of that already!"

"But I saw the old bird tryin' to kiss yuh!" proclaimed the indignant youth.

"Who is this young jackanapes?" interrupted the older man, in no way intimidated by the interloper with the cauliflower ear.

"Didn't I see this old mutt pullin' that muggin'-stuff?" persisted Gunboat, ignoring the stately old gentleman with the rose-bud in his lapel. But Teddie was herself by this time and she fixed her cham-