Page:Asenath Nicholson - Nature's Own Book.pdf/18

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Rule I. The morning bell for rising should be rung during the montlis of January, February, November, and December, precisely at five o'clock, every day; during the months of March, April, September, and October, at half past four: and during the months of May, June, July, and August, at four o'clock.

Rule II. The breakfast bell should be rung precisely at seven, the year round.

Rule III. The dinner should be served up, and the bell rung precisely at one o'clock every day in the year, unless a unanimous wish of the boarders, consented to by the keeper of the house, shall permanently or occasionally change the hour for dining.

RULE IV. The supper, or third meal, should be served up and the bell rung, at such an hour as seasons and circumstances shall render most convenient for the boarders, and the hour should be established by a vote of at least three-fourths of all the boarders: provided, however, that the hour be not frequently and capriciously changed, and that it be at least two hours before bed-time.

Rule V. The bell for retiring to bed should be rung precisely at ten o'clock at night, the year round; and it is recommended that no boarder, without very special and unavoidable reasons, be out of his bed after cleven o'clock at night.