Page:Assamese-Its formation and development.djvu/16

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xiv PREFACE manuscript was prepared primarily for loose set-up. In the linotype set-up certain handicaps were felt in the matter of free corrections of proofs. But the press authorities ungrudg- ingly gave me as much freedom as I would like to exercise in correcting irregularities, and Mr. G. Srinivasachari himself volunteered personal attention to the proofs. Prompt attention was given to all corrections by the printing authorities. Any printing irregularity, therefore, wherever detected, should be attributed to oversight on my part rather than to the negli- gence of the printers. I have to thank several friends and well wishers frpm whom I received help and encouragement towards completion and publication of this book. The foremost amongst them are Dr. D. Thomson, M.A.. B.Sc.. Ph.D., Principal, Cotton Col- lege,* (1926-1933) ; Mr. S. C. Roy, M.A. (Lond.), -Pripcipal, Cotton College, (1933-1940) ■ Prof. A. T. Chatterji, M.A., (now retired) ; Prof. P. C. Roy, M.A., (now retired) ; Prof. B. M. Sen, M.A. ; Prof. M. N. Goswami. M.A., B.L. ; Mr. O. K. Das, B.A., M L.A., Mr. H. C. Barua, B.L. ; the Hon'ble Rai Bahadur Mr. H. P. Barua, M.A., B.L. ; Mr. N. K. Dutta, M.L.A. My thanks are due also to the authorities of the Depart- ment of Historical and Antiauarian Studies : Rai Bahadur Dr. S. K. Bhuyan. M.A.. B.L , Ph.D (Lond ) , Honorary Provin- cial Director; Mr. S. K. Dulta, B.Sc, (Lond.), Bar-at-Law, Honorary Deputy Director; Mr. B. K. Barua, M.A., B.L., Honorary Assistant Director, for making all necessary arrange- ments for the publication of the book. the Honorary Assistant Director Mr. B. K. Barua, also Lecturer of Assamese, Cotton College, prepared the Word- Index with the help of Mr. Upendra Chandra Lekharu, M.A., B.L., Assistant Lecturer of Assamese, Cotton College, and Mr. Atul Chandra Barua, B.A., an ex-student of the College. My thanks are due to al! these friends for the help proffered. Cotton College, Gauhati, Assam, Banikanta Kakati. M[arch 15, 1941.