Page:Assamese-Its formation and development.djvu/437

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PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE 405 Antiquarian Studies; and a frontispiece of King Rudra Singha receiving the homage of the Rajas of Cachar And Jayantia. Pp. xxiv+177; Synopsis" in English, pp. 179-190. Re. 1-8. 9. BAHARISTAJS-i-GHAYBL-A history of the conflicts of the Mughals with Assam, Bengal, Bihar and Orissa during the first three decades of the seventeenth cen- tury, by Mirza Nathan, Mughal Fouzadar at Gauhati. Translated from the original Persian by Dr. M. I. Borah, M.A., B.L., (Dae), Ph.D. (Lond.) , Head of the Department of Persian and Urdu in the Univer- sity of Dacca. In two volumes, pp. xxix-f 933. Cloth, Rs. 10 per set. 10 TRli'URA BURAAJi or Lwpura Oesar Katiw.-A his- torical and descriptive account ot Tnpura, vath spe- cud rclerencc to the evenis oi 1710-171* AD, by • lwo Assamese ambassadors ot King Rudra Singha 16*1741 A.D. From the original manuscript in the Bnush Museum, London. With a irontispiece o King Rudra binfioa receiving the *^ *£ British Museum, London King Rudra Sinjjna reci Rajas of Cachar and Jayantia. Pp. xx 11 RiHTEriN No l.-With an Introduction by His U ' ^ZX Laurie Hammond, Governor of Assam, 1927-1932. Pp- viii-r48. Re. 1. 1937. Pp. xu+<6. R e -!• ,. «h 1 FTiN No 3 -Containing U> the Speech of H» 13. BULLETIN No. a. Goyernor ot ^^ at Excellency Sir Michael JU , ^ ■ the Opening Ceremony rfthejj" * ^ tor's Speech; (3) Acc ^° nc T * n . (5) Extracts from the D.H.A.s. ruu Bahadur H* fccceD-tty Sir Michael K«*e Sjr Radhakanta Handique, Mrs. Narayaiu