Page:Astounding Science Fiction (1950-01).djvu/35

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could do the work men ought to be doing. The important man was one who made things by which the world moved, and advanced. A machinist, now—

What he saw for Jim was electronics. At the time it was radio, but Tom Tredel saw how electronics would mean other things than radio. Noncommunications electronics and radio would some day be the field his descendants should be in. Perhaps the big opportunities wouldn't come in Jim's lifetime, but Jim could raise his boy in that field, too. He could pass on just a little more knowledge than a boy would get who was born to be a doctor, lawyer, dentist, or machinist.

Jim would get the education he needed for electronics, and all the help money and planning could provide. He'd also understand the philosophy of Tom Tredel, and he'd know something of the relationships of parts to the whole.

Jim showed the proper interest in electronics. He was led cleverly, yet wisely, along the path that would make him choose it as his life's work.

He had been an apt pupil. He could take a part, in fingers that were longer, hands that were as strong, yet softer, than his father's had been, and visualize its place in the all.