Page:Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-01).djvu/10

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Dodd and Tommy realised that
they were powerless against the
monstrous beetles.

The Beetle Horde


By Victor Rousseau

Only two young explorers stand in the way of the mad Bram's horrible revenge—the releasing of his trillions of man-sized beetles upon an utterly defenseless world.


Dodd's Discovery

OUT of the south the biplane came winging back toward the camp, a black speck against the dazzling white of the vast ice-fields that extended unbroken to the horizon on every side.

It came out of the south, and yet, a hundred miles further back along the course on which it flew, it could not have proceeded in any direction except northward. For a hundred miles south lay the south pole, the goal toward which the Travers Expedition had been pressing for the better part of that year.

Not that they could not have reached it sooner. As a matter of