Page:Astounding Stories of Super Science (1930-01).djvu/145

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Does YOUR Job Pay
$5000 Every Week?

Rocherster, N. Y.

As a Railway Postal Clerk you can average $53 a week the year 'round. I help you get the job if you are a citizen—18 to 50. Steady work, pleasant travel, vacation and sick leave with pay, regular advancement.

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This exotic perfume goes straight to the heart like Cupid's arrows. Its strength and mystic aroma thrills and delights young and old. Triple strength full size vial 98 cents prepaid or $1.32 C. O. D. plus shipping charges. Directions free. One bottle GRATIS If you order three vials. MAGNUS WORKS. Box 12, Varick Sta., New York, N. Y., Dept. NSG-1.

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