Page:At Delhi.djvu/178

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January 8.

IT was fitting that the last of the great events in connection with the Durbar should be a grand military review. The Army has been very much in evidence at the various ceremonial gatherings which have been the distinguishing features of this Imperial Assemblage. At every formal function the troops have played a prominent part. Military uniforms have generally predominated everywhere. Delhi has been the centre of a concentration of troops the like of which the city has never witnessed since the British Raj was proclaimed. Yet the great display to-day was not entirely intended as a manifestation of the armed strength which stands behind the just and enlightened rule of India by the British. Rather was it meant to show to the world the inspiring spectacle of thousands and thousands of the fighting races of India cheerfully and volun- tarily wearing the King-Emperor's uniform, marshalling themselves beneath his colours, and parading with the British troops whom they have so often fought beside shoulder to shoulder against a common foe. The Native Army of India has proved its loyalty to the Throne on many a battle-field, and it was never in a more efficient condition than now.