Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/209

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-ii. 2
and emendation without any traceable sense to guide us is of no avail. The combination bhuvaneṣṭhā́ (p. -ne॰sthā́) is noted under Prāt. ii. 94. In the pada-text of b is noted from our mss. no other reading than úpa: atiṣṭhe; but S PP. gives úpa: ā॰tiṣṭhe, and reports no various readings; as ā॰tiṣṭhe (without any accent) is an impossible form ⌊Skt. Gr. §1083 a⌋ this is perhaps simply a blunder in his text; the comm., with a minority of SPP's mss., has -tiṣṭhet.

5. Around all beings I went, the web (tántu) of righteousness stretched out for beholding, where the gods, having attained immortality (amṛ́ta) bestirred themselves (?īraya-) upon the same place of union (yóni).

The proper rendering of d is especially doubtful, but ádhi, by its independent accent (which is established by Prāt. iv. 5), is clearly only a strengthener of the locative sense of yónāu. In b, perhaps better 'to behold the web' etc. (the comm. absurdly explains the particle kám as sukhātmakam brahma). The second half-verse is, as noted above, found in VS., TA., and Ppp., combined into one verse with our 3 a, b; Ppp. has in it ānaçānā samāne dhāmann adhī ”rayanta; VS. reads tṛtī́ye dhā́man for our samāné yónāu; TA., tṛtī́ye dhā́māny abhy āírayanta. Ppp. has as vs. 5 something quite different: for a, pari dyāvāpṛthivī sadyā ”yam (exchanging 4 a and 5 a: see under 4); for b, our own b; for c, d devo devatvam abhirakṣamāṇas samānaṁ bandhuṁ viparicchad ekaḥ. The first pāda requires the harsh resolution vi-çu-ā to make it full ⌊víçvāni would be easier⌋.

2. To Gandharvas and Apsarases.

[Mātṛnāman.—gandharvāpsarodevatyam. trāiṣṭubham: 1. virāḍjagatī; 4. 3-p. virāṇnāmagāyatrī; 5. bhuriganuṣṭub.]

Found in Pāipp. i. (only in the nāgarī copy). Called by Kāuç. (8. 24), with vi. 111 and viii. 6 (and the schol. add iv. 20: see ib., note), mātṛnāmāni 'mother-names' (perhaps from the alleged author); they are employed in a remedial rite (26. 29: "against seizure by Gandharvas, Apsarases, demons etc." comm.), and several times (94. 15; 95. 4; 96. 4; 101. 3; 114. 3; 136. 9) in charms against various portents (adbhutāni). And verse 1 is allowed by Vāit. (36. 28) to be used in the açvamedha sacrifice as alternative for one given in its text (27). Further, the comm. quotes the mātṛnāman hymns from the Çānti Kalpa (16) as accompanying an offering in the sacrifice to the planets (grahayajña); and from the Nakṣ. Kalpa (23) in the tantrabhūtā mahāçānti.

Translated: Weber, xiii. 133; Griffith, i. 42; verses 3-5 also by Weber, Abh. Berliner Akad. 1858, p. 350 (= Omina und Portenta).—Cf. Hillebrandt, Ved. Mythol. i. 433.

1. The heavenly Gandharva, who is lord of being (bhúvana), the only one to receive homage, to be praised (īḍ) among the clans (víç)—thee being such I ban (yu) with incantation, O heavenly god; homage be to thee; in the heaven is thy station.

Ppp. reads in c deva divya. The comm. understands yāumi in c as "join" (saṁyojayāmi) ⌊BR. vi. 138, 'festhalten'⌋: RV. i. 24. 11 a, tát tvā yāmi bráhmaņā, suggests emendation. The combination yás p- in a is by Prāt. ii. 70.

2. Touching the sky, worshipful, sun-skinned, deprecator of the seizure (háras) of the gods—gracious shall be the Gandharva, who is lord of being, the only one to receive homage, very propitious.