Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/21

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Contents of the Main Body of this Work


Second grand division (books viii.–xii.): long hymns of miscellaneous subjects clv
Their hieratic character: mingled prose passages clv
Table of verse-totals for the hymns of division II. clvi
General make-up of the material of this division clvi
Order of books within the division: negative or insignificant conclusions clvii
Order of hymns within any given book of this division clvii
Possible reference to this division in hymn xix. 23 clvii
Third grand division (books xiii.–xviii.): books showing unity of subject clviii
Division III. represented in Pāippalāda by a single book, book xviii. clix
Names of the books of this division as given by hymn xix. 23 clix
Order of books within the division clix
Table of verse-totals for the hymns of division III. clix
Order of hymns within any given book of this division clx
The hymn-divisions of books xiii.–xviii. and their value clx

Cross-references to explanation of abbreviations and so forth

To explanation of abbreviations (pages xcix–cvi) clxii
To explanation of abbreviated titles (pages xcix–cvi) clxii
To explanation of arbitrary signs (page c) clxii
To key to the designations of the manuscripts (pages cix–cx) clxii
To synoptic tables of the manuscripts (pages cx–cxi) clxii
To descriptions of the manuscripts (pages cxi–cxvi) clxii
To table of titles of hymns (volume VIII., pages 1024–1037) clxii
The Atharva-Veda Saṁhitā: Translation and Notes . . . 1–1009
1. First Grand Division.—Books I.–VII. 1–470
Seven books of short hymns of miscellaneous subjects
[For table of the titles of the 433 hymns, see p. 1024]

[Volume VII. ends here with book vii.]

[Volume VIII. begins here with book viii.]

2. Second Grand Division.—Books VIII.–XII. 471–707
Five books of long hymns of miscellaneous subjects
[For table of the titles of the 45 hymns, see p. 1034]
3. Third Grand Division.—Books XIII.–XVIII. 708–894
Six books of long hymns, the books showing unity of subject
[For table of the titles of the 15 hymns, see p. 1035]
Book xiii.: hymns to the Ruddy Sun or Rohita (seer: Brahman) 708–737
Book xiv.: wedding verses (seer: Sāvitrī Sūryā) 738–768
Book xv.: the Vrātya (seer:—) 769–791
Book xvi.: Paritta (seer: Prajāpati?) 792–804
Book xvii.: prayer to the Sun as Indra and as Vishṇu (seer: Brahman) 805–812
Book xviii.: funeral verses (seer: Atharvan) 813–894
4. Supplement.—Book XIX. 895–1009
After-gleanings, chiefly from the traditional sources of division I.
[For table of the titles of the 72 hymns, see p. 1036]
Pāippalāda excerpts concerning book xx. 1009