Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/194

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xi. 8-

24. Delights, joys, enjoyments, and they that enjoy enjoyments, laughter, sport, dances, entered the body afterward.

Ppp. reads for a ānandā nandāṣ pramado. The comm. reads nur iṣṭās in c ⌊see SPP's note, p. 163⌋. The first half-verse is identical with 7. 26 a, b above.

25. Both appeals (ālāpá) and pratings (pralāpá), and they who utter (-lap) addresses (abhīlāpa-)—all entered the body, joiners-on (āyúj), joiners-forth (prayúj), joiners.

Ppp. reads prāyujas in d. The comm. explains the last words as = āyojanāni, prayojanāni, and yojanāni. The first half-verse is as it were a change rung on 24 a, b.

26. Breath-and-expiration, sight, hearing, indestructibleness and destruction, out-breathing and up-breathing, speech, mind—they go about (īja-) with the body.

The first three pādas are the same with 4 a, b, c, above.

27. Both blessings (āçís) and precepts (praçís), demands (saṁçís) and explanations (viçís), thoughts, all devisings, entered the body afterward.

The comm. explains the difficult compounds of -çis as mechanically as those of -yuj in vs. 25: āçāsanāni, praçāsanāni, saṁçāsanāni, vividhāni çāsanāni.

28. Both those of the blood and those of the bladder, the hasting and those that are pitiable, the secret, the clear, the thick waters—those they caused to settle in the repugnant one.

That is, apparently, in the body that was loth to receive them. SPP. reads unaccountably at the beginning ā́steyīs, against the great majority of his mss., the comm., and the sense. The reading has not been noted at all among our mss., but sn and st are very imperfectly distinguished in general by the scribes, and the latter may possibly have been intended by some among them. The comm. derives the word from ā + snā, instead of from asan; the form in which he gives it is āsneyyas. The second word he reads vāsneyyas, and derives it from 'or' + snā! Then he adds another derivation for both words, from āsana 'sitting,' and vasna 'price' respectively. He reads then āpas in c. Ppp. reads çukriyā in c.

29. Having made bone [their] fuel, then they caused eight waters to settle; having made seed [their] sacrificial butter, the gods entered man.

The first part of the verse is spoiled in Ppp. The comm. has the more regular accus. pl. apas in b (the pada-text aṣṭá: ā́paḥ, as required by the accent; the comm. in general pays no heed to accent). He acutely refers to Tāitt. Brāh. i. 1. 94, where bone is identified with fuel, and seed with sacrificial butter.

30. What waters [there are], and what deities, what virā́j, with bráhman; bráhman entered the body; on (ádhi) the body [is] Prajāpati.

31. The sun, the wind, shared [respectively] the eye, the breath of man; then his other self the gods bestowed (pra-yam) on Agni.

'Shared' (ví bhejire, pl.) is ungrammatical as taken with the subject (which is only two-fold) given in the text. The comm. understands that the other 'senses' with their deities are viewed as included with these two. Ppp. reads tathā instead of atha in c.