Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/20

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viii. 2-

2. To prolong some one's life.

[Brahman.—aṣṭāviṅçakam. ārsy (ārtvy?) āyuṣyam. trāiṣṭubham*: 1, 2, 7. bhurij; 3. āstārapan̄kti; 4. prastārapan̄kti; 6. pathyāpan̄kti; 8. purastāj jyotiṣmatī jagatī; 9. 5-p. jagatī; 11. viṣṭārapan̄kti; 12. purastādbṛhatī; 14. 3-av. 6-p. jagatī; 15. pathyāpan̄kti; 19. upariṣṭādbṛhatī; 21. sataḥpan̄kti; 26. āstārapan̄kti; 22, 28. purastādbṛhatī; 5, 10, 16-18, 20, 23-25, 27. anuṣṭubh (17. tripāt).]

Found also in Pāipp. xvi., all but the last verse, and with 9 before 8. *⌊Verse 13 appears to be the one upon the strength of which the Anukr. declares the hymn to be trāiṣṭubham (its remaining 27 vss. being exceptions!); and even this is no real triṣṭubh. It counts indeed 44 (8 + 12: 12 + 12) and might be called purastāj jyotiṣmatī.

⌊Vāit. uses only vs. 16: see under 16.—The uses by Kāuç. are many. For the uses of this hymn with h. 1, see introd. to h. 1. Further, in the name-giving ceremony, it is used (58. 14) with pouring a continuous stream of water on the youth's right hand; and this is followed (58. 15) by the binding on of an amulet of deodar (see note to vs. 28 below); and the use of vs. 16 is especially prescribed (58. 17: the text of the sītra in the comm. differs from that of Bl.) to accompany the putting a new garment upon him. Vss. 12-13 are prescribed (97. 3) in case of family quarrels (see also note to vs. 9 below); vs. 14 (comm., 14-15) is used in the tonsure ceremony (54.17); and again vs. 14 (comm., 14-15), on the child's first going out of the house (58. 18). Vs. 17 was previously prescribed for the same tonsure ceremony (53. 19: the comm. reads kṣuram abhyukṣya triḥ pramārṣṭi) on sprinkling and wiping the razor; and the same vs. is substituted for vi. 68. 3 by the Daça Karmāṇi in the same ceremony (53. 17 note); furthermore, it is used at the beginning of the ceremony of the reception of the Vedic student (55. 3). Vs. 18 (comm., 18-19) is used on the first feeding of the child (with rice and barley: 58. 19); and vss. 20 and 22 on his "committal" (58. 20, 21) respectively "to day and night" and "to the seasons."—Bloomfield (note to 58. 17) cites a passage describing the four "committals": 1. to heaven and earth, with vss. 14-15; 2. to rice and barley, with vss. 18-19; 3. to day and night, with vs. 20; 4. to the seasons, with vs. 22.—Finally, the comm. regards vs. 15 as intended, with v. 1. 7 etc., at Kāuç. 46. 1-3, in the rite against false accusation.⌋

Translated: Muir, v. 447; Ludwig, p. 496; Henry, 4, 39; Griffith, i. 388; Bloomfield, 55, 573.

1. Take thou hold. on this bundle (?) of immortality; unsevered length of life be thine; I bring back thy life, [thy] life-time; go not to the welkin (rájas), to darkness; do not perish.

SPP. with all his authorities save one (which has snú-) reads çnúṣṭim in a, and this must doubtless be regarded as the true AV. text: compare iii. 17. 2. The comm. glosses it here with prasnuti 'a dripping forth,' and then explains amṛtasya çnuṣṭi as the stream of water which, according to one direction in Kāuç. (58. 14), is to be poured out while the hymn is recited. He glosses rajas with rāga, and explains it and tamas as the two familiar guṇas so called: it is, indeed, a little startling to find the two names here side by side.

2. Come thou hitherward unto the light of the living; I take thee in order to life for a hundred autumns; loosening down the fetters of death, imprecation, I set for thee further a longer life-time.