Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/329

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-xv. 12

R. is the only ms. that writes out at the beginning of this verse and the next yád enam ā́ha. It seems a blunder of the Anukr. to include this verse with 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 in one definition, as it is shorter than they by some six syllables; one of the mss. does in fact omit it here, but gives no definition of it elsewhere. ⌊At AB. viii. 24 is a passage bearing some similarity to this.⌋

5. In that he says to him: Vrātya, let them gratify [thee], he thereby makes his breath (prāṇá) longer.

⌊We had the last clause above at ix. 6. 19.⌋

6. In that he says to him: Vrātya, be it so as is dear to thee, he thereby gains possession of what is dear.

7. To him cometh what is dear, he becometh dear to his dear one (m.), who knoweth thus.

8. In that he says to him: Vrātya, be it so as is thy will, he thereby gains possession of [his] will.

Here again all the mss. save one (R.) omit the first four or five words, because they occur again in vs. 10. The majority of mss. (except E.D.R.s.m.K.) accent vaçám, though all have váças. ⌊Eight or nine of SPP's have vaçám.⌋

9. Unto him cometh [his] will, a will-possessor of will-possessors becometh he who knoweth thus.

Most of the mss. (except D.R.s.m.) again accent vaçás; ⌊and so twelve of SPP's, but not his çrotiyas⌋; O. has vaçī́nām. Read at the beginning in our text āí ’nam (an accent-sign slipped out of place).

10. In that he says to him: Vrātya, be it so as is thy desire, he thereby gains possession of [his] desire.

11. To him cometh [his] desire, he cometh to be (bhū) in the desire of desire, who knoweth thus.

One would like to emend nikāmé to -mī́.

12. Paryāya the twelfth.

[ekādaçaka. 1. 3-p. gāyatrī; 2. prājāpatyā bṛhatī; 3, 4. bhurik prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh (4. sāmnī); 5, 6, 9, 10. āsurī gāyatrī; 8. virāḍ gāyatrī; 7, 11. 3-p. prājāpatyā triṣṭubh.]

Translated: Aufrecht, Ind. Stud. i. 135; Griffith, ii. 194.

[The passage from Āp. Dharma-sūtra, ii. 3. 7 (see introd. to paryāya 11), parallel to our vss. 1-3, may here be given: yasyo ’ddhṛteṣv ahuteṣv agniṣv atithir abhyāgacchet svayam enam abhyudetya brūyāt: vrātya atisṛja hoṣyāmi: ity atisṛṣṭena hotavyam: anatisṛṣṭaç cej juhuyād doṣam brāhmaṇam āha. 15.⌋

1. Now then, to whosesoever houses a thus-knowing Vrātya may come as guest when the fires are taken up and the fire-offering (agnihotrá) set on,—

Not one of the mss. writes the first four words of the verse, they being viewed as repeated from 10. 1; and here also (compare note to 11. 1) the Anukr. reckons them as