Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/42

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viii. 6-

24. They that creep away from the sun, as a daughter-in-law away from her father-in-law—let both bajá and pin̄gá pierce in into their heart.

Pari in a, though compounded with the verb, has the value of a strengthener of the ablative sense of sū́ryāt, as ádhi in b of that of çváçurāt. ⌊Cf. Geldner, Ved. Stud. i. 270.⌋

25. Pin̄gá, defend thou [the child] in process of birth; let them not make the male female; let not the egg-eaters injure the embryos; drive thou the kimīdíns from here.

In b, lit'ly 'not make the man a woman.' Ppp. puts the after pumāṅsam.

26. Childlessness, still-birth, also crying, guilt (aghá), barrenness (? āvayá)—that do thou attach to [our] enemy (ápriya), as if having made a garland from a tree.

Ppp. reads, in a, b, mārtavatsam āmābhrogham agham ānayam. The comm. has, for agham āvayam, aghavāvayam, and paraphrases it with aghānām pāpānāṁ tatphalabhūtānāṁ duḥkhānāṁ vā ’sakṛd vayanam. It is curious that both ā-vayam and mārta-vatsam are quoted in the commentary to Prāt. iv. 18, as if their second member were 'a taddhita beginning with v.'—⌊Cf. MB. i. 1. 14; MP. i. 4. 11.⌋

⌊Here ends the third anuvāka, with 2 hymns and 48 verses. It is also the end of the sixth artha-sūkta, which begins with yāú te. The quoted Anukr. says yāu te.⌋

From this point on, the commentary is wanting until the beginning of book xi. 7.

7. To the plants: for some one's restoration to health.

[Atharvan.—aṣṭāviṅçakam.* bhāiṣajyāyuṣyam uta mantroktāuṣadhidevatākam. ānuṣṭubham: 2. upariṣṭād bhurig bṛhatl; 3. purauṣṇih; 4. 5-p. parānuṣṭub atijagatī; 5, 6. pathyāpan̄kti (6. virāḍgarbhā bhurij); 9, 2-p. ārcī bhurig anuṣṭubh; 10. pathyāpan̄kti; 12. 5-p. virāḍ atiçakvarī; 14. upariṣṭān nicṛd bṛhatī; †25. pathyāpan̄kti; 26. nicṛt; 28. bhurij.]

Found also in Pāipp. xvi. ⌊with verses 16-19 in the order 16, 18, 19, 17⌋. *⌊The mss. have sāṣṭāviṅçakam.⌋ †⌊The Anukr. omits the definition of vss. 15 (triṣṭubh) and 24 (6-p. jagatī).⌋

⌊Used by Kāuç. in a remedial rite (26. 33, 40, note), "with a gilt and lacquered amulet made [cf. introd. to AV. ii. 9] of splinters of ten kinds of trees " (Keç., p. 32722), against all diseases. In the puṁsavana, vs. 27 accompanies (note to 35.6) the giving of food to the pregnant woman. Vait. prescribes the hymn for use in the sāutrāmaṇī rite (30. 6) when the priest mixes herbs with the surd.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 504; Henry, 20, 58; Griffith, i. 408; Bloomfield, 41, 578.

1. Those that are brown, and that are bright (çukrá), the red and the spotted, the swarthy, the black herbs—all [of them] do we address (acka-ā-vad).

2. Let them save (trā) this man from the yákṣma sent by the gods—the plants of which heaven has been the father, earth the mother, ocean the root.

The second half-verse was found above, as iii. 23. 6 a, b. This time it is also in Ppp. In c, dyāúṣ is read by W.I.R.T. We should expect pū́ruṣam in a.