Page:Augusta Seaman--Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons.djvu/160

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“What is the name of this woman?” the doctor continued to question. As Jacqueline told him, a great light appeared to break in on his mind.

“Ah, ah!” he exclaimed. “I see it all! It is as clear as day to me now! That resemblance in thee I was sure I should place sometime. Is not thy name Cornellisen, and was not thy father the famous doctor-professor in the University?”

“Aye!” answered Jacqueline in fear and trembling, “Thou hast guessed aright, but tell no one, I pray thee!”

“I knew it! I felt it!” continued the doctor. “And yet I could not make the memory a connected one, till now. I was a student about to graduate from the University, and thy father was my great admiration and example. I saw Vrouw Voorhaas once on visiting his home, but never his children, hence I did not recognize thee. It was sad—sad, thy father’s end, and I grieved over it many a long day! It was his great