Page:Auld Robin Gray (1825).djvu/30

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"O, greet nae mair, Jenny," said he, wi' a groan;
"I'm no worth your sorrow—the truth maun be known!
Send round for our neighbours; my hour it draws near,
And I've that to tell that it's fit a' should hear.


"I've wrong'd her," he said, "but I kent it o'er late;
I've wrong'd her, and sorrow is speeding my date.
But a's for the best, since my death will soon free
A faithfu' young heart, that was ill match'd wi' me.


"I loved and I courted her mony a day;
The auld folks were for me, but still she said nae.
I kentna o' Jamie, nor yet of her vow;
In mercy forgive me!—'twas I stole the cow!


"I cared not for Crummie; I thought but o' thee!
I thought it was Crummie stood 'twixt you and me.
While she fed your parents, oh! did you not say,
You never would marry wi' Auld Robin Gray?


"But sickness at hame, and want at the door,
You gied me your hand, while your heart it was sore.
I saw it was sore—why took I her hand?
Oh! that was a deed to cry shame o'er the land.