Page:Auld Robin Gray (1825).djvu/33

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"I loo'd, and sought to win her for mony a lang day;
I had her parents' favour, but still she said me nay.
I knew na Jamie's luve; and oh! it's sair to tell—
To force her to be mine, I steal'd her cow mysel!


"O what cared I for Crummie! I thought of nought but thee.
I thought it was the cow stood 'twixt my luve and me.
While she maintain'd ye a', was you not heard to say,
That you wad never marry wi' Auld Robin Gray?


"But sickness in the house, and hunger at the door
My bairn gied me her hand, although her heart was sore.
I saw her heart was sore—why did I take her hand?
That was a sinfu' deed! to blast a bonnie land.


"It wasna very lang ere a' did come to light;
For Jamie he came back, and Jenny's cheek grew white.
My spouse's cheek grew white, but true she was to me;
Jenny! I saw it a'—and oh, I'm glad to dee!


"Is Jamie come?" he said; and Jamie by us stood—
"Ye loo each other weel—Oh, let me do some good!
I gie you a', young man—my houses, cattle, kyne,
And the dear wife hersel, that ne'er should hae been mine."